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The Fernhurst Society

Tales from the Archives - 7

Apple picking at ICI in 1973

‘Come to the ICI’ they say, ‘for apple picking’s on the way’.
So put on jumpers warm and light, and boots which must be watertight.
Be sure to take a mac and hood, in case the weather’s not too good.

Make your way through winding lanes, uphill and down and over bridges,
‘Neath Bexley Hill and Blackdown’s ridges,
To Surney Orchard’s laden trees, a splendid sight to see are these.

First pick Cox’s heavy cropping, pick with care to save them dropping.
Apples hanging thick in cluster, shine with gold and rosy lustre.
Their fine flavour at its best, to be a treat for many a guest.

But Bramleys are our special care, fine fruit as this is surely rare.
Think, oh think of the months of care, spent to get that apple fair
Think, as you hold it in your hand, of where that fine, sound fruit may land.

Apple picking is great fun, but let it be a job well done.
So pick away as quick can be, while there is fruit upon the tree,

Before Autumn gales come howling round, and hurl the good fruit to the ground.

If you would like to know more about this story, or research other local topics, the Archive is open on Tuesdays, 2.30-5pm in the Village Hall. Other times by arrangement.

Christine Maynard
Fernhurst Archive

One of a series of short articles bringing you some of the incidents from our rich village history. Collated by Christine Maynard, based on documents preserved at the Fernhurst Archives, these originally were published in the monthly Fernhurst News.

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